Scott Hayes - Pulling Thorns from the Paw of the Beast
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expert Scott Hayes knows DB2 UDB: he’s been working with it since the
late 1990s, and with DB2 mainframes before that. His experiences range
from working for a company that built databases large enough to store
all U.S. patent records to starting his own very successful consulting
business to creating equally successful database tools and software to
overseeing the integration of the best-of-breed technology,
methodology, and metrics from those creations into BMC Software’s
SmartDBA offerings.
These days, as he travels the world giving seminars and working one-to-one with customers to help optimize and tune DB2 UDB databases, you might think of him as a sort of DB2 Energizer Bunny. Or, you might think of him as he once described himself to a fellow airline passenger: as someone who pulls the thorns from paws of DB2 databases and makes them function a lot better.
When he recently sat down to talk with TalkBMC’s Tom Parish, Scott offered the sort of concise and focused advice for database professionals that you’d expect from a seasoned professional who’s traveled a lot of consulting miles and has tuned a lot of databases. And he wasn’t shy about answering questions about what he feels the future might hold for DBAs, about IBM’s continued involvement with Linux, and about the new, self-healing database technologies offered by IBM.
And, oh yes, he talks about his top five tips for DBAs to optimize their DB2 UDB environments.
Tune in to this insightful conversation and learn more about this
DBA-cum-entrepreneur-cum-corporate evangelist who’s made a career of
taming the savage database.
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Scott Hayes is a well-known DB2 UDB performance expert. He is a regular speaker at International DB2 User Group conferences, IBM DB2/Data Management conferences, and is frequently sought as a guest speaker for regional DB2 user group meetings. Scott has authored several published articles on DB2 UDB performance, is an IBM DB2 Gold Consultant (an elite, exclusive group of IBM-recognized top DB2 advocates), has obtained Advanced IBM DB2 Certifications, and is widely regarded by the worldwide DB2 community as a top performance expert for DB2 on distributed (UNIX, Linux, and Windows) platforms. In his current role at BMC Software, Scott is responsible for Customer Advocacy, Continued DB2 UDB Industry Stewardship, and providing technical product direction for BMC Software Solutions.
Production Credits
Dana Farver, Executive Producer, Communities Editor-in-Chief
Tom Parish, Audio Producer, Show Host
Kimberly Stone, Web Development Manager
Scott Ebner, Web Developer
Last modified 2006-12-29 02:50 PM