Peter Armstrong - Thinking Out of the Cubicle
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“How do I keep my job?” In this Brave New Tech World of outsourcing
and offshoring, we’ve all either heard that question, asked it
ourselves, or thought of it. Author, IMS expert, and corporate
strategist Peter Armstrong hears that a lot from IT professionals,
including DBAs. And the quick answer he gives to them is, “learn how to
talk without talking tech.” Peter is a strong proponent of that hot,
new craze that is sweeping IT: Coming out of the cubicle and being part
of the business. And learning about solid IT best practices is a good
way to begin. Agree? Disagree? Tune in and find out —
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Related Article
by Peter Armstrong
Life in an IT department is not a bunch of fun nowadays. There is constant pressure from above to reduce costs, which results in people looking at options like outsourcing and offshoring. So, many (including DBAs) run around trying to protect their own jobs, and tend to lose sight of the bigger picture. Using offshoring or outsourcing to save money is often a quick way to lose money.
Peter Armstrong’s Adopting a Service (Management) Mentality Blog
Peter Armstrong joined IBM in 1976 and was the UK Country IMS specialist. He helped design parts of DBRC and wrote the Recovery/Restart procedures for IMS disk logging. He joined BMC Software in 1986; these days, he is a corporate strategist, responsible for the increasingly important domain of how business and information technology need to work together. Peter is also a prolific writer; he has authored Database Recovery Control (DBRC) in Practice, and maintains an active blog, Adopting a Service Mentality.
Production Credits
Dana Farver, Executive Producer, Communities Editor-in-Chief
Tom Parish, Audio Producer, Show Host
Kimberly Stone, Web Development Manager
Scott Ebner, Web Developer
Last modified 2006-12-29 03:06 PM