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I think (but may be wrong) that it's not the main difference: for me, WEEK_ISO starts the first week of the year on the first Thursday while WEEK starts the first week on the first day of the year.
For exemple, the 2005/01/01 gives week 53 using WEEK_ISO and week 1 using WEEK. Moreover, the difference between the week starting on Monday or Sunday makes the 2005/02/06 being in week 5 (WEEK_ISO) or 7 (WEEK).
The main problem I have is to determined the year on which the week is based. Using the 2005/01/01 with WEEK_ISO to get a date formated YYYY-WW-DD (Year-Week-DayOfWeek), the Year should be 2004 as the Week is 53, but there is no (as far as I know) function to get this Year?