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Arup Nanda - Encryption for Oracle Databases
DBAzine’s first podcast! In a follow-up to his two-part article on encryption for Oracle databases, Author and Oracle security expert Arup Nanda talks about his interest in Oracle database security, the importance of data encryption, the fundamentals of data encryption, and more.
Chris Foot - He Aced It
Do nice guys ever finish first? They can if they also do the work necessary to become a true, technical ace!'s own blogger and Oracle go-to-guy, Chris Foot, is an ace -- an Oracle Ace -- and he's got plenty to say about his career as an Oracle DBA, what is the deal about outsourcing these days, and the changing role of the DBA. Join us for a fast-paced conversation with a guy who knows database administration, and knows his Oracle!
Craig Mullins - Coming to an Enterprise Near You
If everyone had their own crystal ball, no one would be curious about what the future may hold for the database industry (and our working lives), right? We don’t have a crystal ball, but DBAzine has its very own visionary on hand to help us. Join us as industry (very) smart guy Craig Mullins weighs in on a lot of issues that are dear to our hard-working hearts, including trends he sees now, and for the future, in database management; that perennially sore matter of data growth; the open source movement’s impact on the database market; software as a service; and more.
Jay Pipes and Michael Kruckenberg - Open Source Pros
The new book is ProMySQL, covering all of the newest MySQL 5 features, the MySQL server architecture, storage engines, transaction processing, benchmarking, and advanced SQL scenarios. And the authors, Jay Pipes and Michael Kruckenberg, are not too shy to open up about a big range of big topics, including whether open source software will ever displace those legacy apps (and why CIOs who insist it won't should take a closer look at what's running in their enterprise). They also give their views on what they see as the biggest challenge to open source as it moves forward into the mainstream, why MySQL rocks as opposed to other OS solutions, and why in the world they decided to write a big, technical book, anyway (it probably wasn't for the fame, fortune, and glory). They are a couple of nice guys gone author on us, and in this podcast interview, they explain why.
Jonathan Lewis - Sleuth
Have you ever heard of a board game called "Sleuth"? It's a sort of intricate detective story that lets players use careful pragmatism and creative ideas to solve mysteries and win the game. And there's another sleuth in the select group of true, Oracle masters who also loves a good mystery -- an Oracle database mystery -- and who solves them with his own blend of natural curiosity about how things work and why, and no-nonsense detective work. Join in an interview with Jonathan Lewis, author of the hot new book, Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals, published by Apress.
Kevin Clugage - Event-driven Architecture and the Enterprise
Event-driven Achtecture -- what is it, and how is it making big changes for today's enterprise? Here to talk about this software innovation is Kevin Clugage, the product director for Oracle Fusion Middleware. Kevin has a deep history with Event-driven Architecture, or EDA, so he had no trouble answering our questions about it -- what it is, how it's different from (or similar to) SOA, which enterprises might benefit more than others from adopting EDA, and what about the interactive EDA architecture and Web 2.0? Is EDA on your company's horizon? Join us for an informative conversation with Oracle's Kevin Clugage, and find out what you want to know about!
Mark Rittman - Oracle Openworld in Retrospect
ORACLE OPENWORLD IN RETROSPECT: Whether you followed Oracle Open World events on your favorite blog or or actually went to San Francisco this year, take a moment to hear what Mark Rittman, Oracle ACE, had to say about the conference and its impact on business intelligence and data warehousing in the months to come.
Paul Zikopoulos and Chris Eaton - Availability with Clicks of a Button Using DB2’s HADR
HIGH AVAILABILITY ON STEROIDS: IBM’s DB2 experts Paul Zikopoulos and Chris Eaton talk about HADR, the latest feature in the quest to provide high availability for the DB2 database.
Paul Zikopoulos and Les King - Charming the Viper
What's behind the excitement about IBM's DB2 Version 9 -- is it hype around the product (or the name, "Viper")? Today, longtime DBAzine contributor Paul Zikopoulos is here with Les King to give us the facts about the new DB2 -- why they insist it utilizes "pure" XML rather than "native" XML, why this Viper's Venom is all about storage compression, and all about Service Oriented Architecture (anybody heard of that?) -- IBM's story, and how Viper fits into the picture. Join us for a fast-paced and informative interview that will give you the facts about the newest version of DB2, Viper.
Peggy Chen - What's the Frequency
Have you heard about RFID technology? Chances are you're already using it, if you have a toll road tag or an employee ID badge. Some say it's the most exciting innovation to happen in years. Others say, with all that real-time data flooding in, get ready for total chaos. And, still others say, RFID is another version of Big Brother. But if you're curious about this new technology that's becoming a part of our daily lives, tune in to this podcast interview with Oracle Corp.'s Peggy Chen. She'll talk about how RFID works, some of the challenges and opportunities it offers, how RFID technology can be most intelligently deployed and utilized. Peggy will also offer some high-profile examples of organizations that are using RFID technology to improve their business processes and their bottom line. So join us for an exploration of RFID: The future is here, and the technology advantage belongs to those who learn.
Peter Armstrong - Thinking Out of the Cubicle
"How do I keep my job?" In this Brave New Tech World of outsourcing and offshoring, we've all either heard that question, asked it aloud, or thought of it. Author, IMS expert, and corporate strategist Peter Armstrong hears that a lot from IT professionals, including DBAs. And the quick answer he gives to them is, "learn how to talk without talking tech."
Scott Hayes - Pulling Thorns from the Paw of the Beast
DB2 UDB can be a powerful, yet complex beast. In this podcast, expert Scott Hayes gives his tips and insights into how you can tame that beast (and make it purr).
Tom Kyte - The Ambassador of Oracle
In this one-on-one interview, Kyte talks about how he stays excited about databases in general, and about Oracle in particular, and how he likes to stay in touch with Oracle users worldwide. He also describes the how his successful relationship with Oracle began, and the genesis of the “Ask Tom” column. And he talks about the common mistakes he sees made by Oracle users again and again (and how they can be avoided). Tune in to this fascinating podcast, and find out a little more about the guy who would like to be Oracle’s goodwill ambassador to the world.